PrintUI allows for management of templates directly within InDesign. This makes for a very smooth workflow for template creation and management. The panel allows for uploading of templates up to the number allowed for your account’s license.
As part of the upload process, the PrintUI panel preflights and packages the template for use on the server. Preflight and Package can each be done separately, but it's not necessary as the upload will preflight and package automatically. Documents which don't pass preflight cannot be uploaded, so any errors encountered during preflight must be fixed. If preflight fails, the Management panel will bring up a dialog to assist in fixing errors.
Once a template is error free, it can be uploaded. Before you can upload a template you must log into your PrintUI account. To log in, use the panel flyout menu and select Enter Login Credentials. Once the credentials are entered once, an encrypted token will be saved on your computer to allow automatic login when the panel is opened at a later time. (Your password is not saved at all to ensure the highest level of security.) If you don't want automatic login, you must log out before closing the panel.
To upload a template, open it in InDesign and click Upload. As part of the upload process, the panel will check that all fonts exist on the server. If a font is missing, you will be prompted to automatically upload the missing fonts. If the font upload is successful, the new fonts will appear in your font list. If the font upload fails, you will need to upload them separately using the management panel before you will be able to use your template.
Other Options
If you click on the Templates tab, you will see a list of all the templates currently available for use in your account. You will see three buttons for management of the templates:
1. Download Template Click download if you need to change something or to make a new derivative template from an existing template and it's not currently on your local machine.
2. Test Template After you upload a template, we highly recommend that you test it to make sure everything works as expected. We do our best to ensure that the system is bug-free, but there are so many variables with complex documents that we can't be sure that you will not encounter unexpected issues. If you think you have found a bug, please make sure to let us know so we can address it!
The test button opens the "private-demo" web page in your browser. You will need to log in, and select the template you need to test. (We do not currently automatically preload the selected template in the browser.)
3. Remove Template Use this option with care! If you remove a template from the server that has customizations made by end users, all of their customized files will be lost! There will be no way of retrieving them, so make sure you fully understand the implications of removing a template before you do so.
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