- File naming is more complicated than you might think. Because templates are stored by name in Amazon S3, we are currently conforming to "safe characters" as described here:
The documentation for S3 is a bit confusing, though, because it says elsewhere on that page that UTF-8 is allowed as well. However, UTF-8 characters would violate the "safe characters" recommendation.
In addition, the template name is also used as a file name on both Linux and Windows, so they must also conform to each of the operating system's restrictions. On top of that, we must be able to open files and scan directories in multiple programming languages including: Javascript, Flex, Flash, C++, C#, and PHP. These all have their own restrictions. And the template names must be sorted in several places, but they currently don't support locale-specific sorting.
For now, template names are limited to the safe characters. I can see why you would want to be able to use Japanese characters in the file names, but as you can tell, it is not currently possible.
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